Price Check

We offer a free price check for people in the areas we cover (Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and nearby). There is no survey or lengthy conversation; instead, a simple review of your quote is conducted. We will reply to let you know if the price looks fair.

Whilst, many houses will look to use a local council buying scheme they are not aware that the offer made may be limited, often to facilitate bulk buying only 1 panel is offered. We may offer an alternative system which may offer a better output or possibly a lower price or both.

If this is of interest please email us with a copy of the quote that you have, you have nothing to lose, or call us for an initial chat.

Something for you to consider

When comparing quotes for a solar system for your home many customers do not know the intricacies of a correctly configured systems and simply compare the following:

How many panels and what is the output?

How much battery storage do I get?

What’s the bottom line price?

That can be very risky as there are a number of things that can go wrong and often quotes are not as they seem they are not always like for like.

There are cheap, unreliable products available, we have seen poor installations where tiles are broken and repaired with sealant (average 5 year lifespan).

We have seen incorrect schematics and systems designed to make the supplying companies paperwork and life easier.

Importance of Thorough Surveys

Many companies do not even offer a survey; instead, they will only use Google Earth, cutting costs enormously. Some of those companies then offer a chargeable survey post-order, taking the opportunity to charge for “extras.” Companies that don’t conduct a survey may rely on the small print, putting design and errors at your risk. Therefore, they will ask you to accept liability. Why take that risk? Call now and see how we work harder to be better than other solar companies. Price check for free today!